“Good stuff, but not as good as the first volume.
Also, as someone who’s read a bunch of early comics, I can tell you the utility for volume 1, which saves you the trouble of reading comics from the era when writers and artists were still figuring things out, is higher than this one. This one covers over some really good comics, still some of my favorites. While I’m heavily in favor of reading the first volume to skate through early X-Men history, which is more fun to talk about than actually read, this volume skates you through issues that are pretty great to read in full. The whole Dark Phoenix Saga is a really good X-Men story, tons of fun, and I’d recommend you go ahead and just read it.
I guess it’s a Piskor thing, sometimes stuff skips around. You’re in one story, then bam, you’re in another. Seemed more pronounced in this one. The transitions could be smoother.
A good comic, a good project. I’d love to see this treatment on some of the very early issues of some other books. “