Where My Landlord Must Be Shopping

Welcome to the Eighth Dimension Hardware Store.  Is there anything I can help you find today?

Yes, we do have the large washers that connect a toilet tank to the bowl.  Now, most of these you will find are round, but here at the Eighth Dimension Hardware Store, we have a hexagonal one for some reason.  You’re also in luck because this is the first and last one ever created.  Good luck finding that goddamn anywhere else.

Oh, and over here we have faucet handles.  We understand that not everyone wants a faucet handle with a washer that can be replaced in the United States.  Crazy Korean washer?  Oh yeah.  We got it.

Ah, this is one of our prized items here.  What we’ve got is a curtain rod with strange hooks on it.  Rather than hanging the curtain somehow, you actually stab these hooks through the fabric and then hang it along the rod.  It is almost impossible to do evenly, and replacing the beige curtains is beyond the skills of any human man.  Once you install them, it’s all over.