The time it led to a big hole covered with leaves, which I should have noticed on a city street. But hey, dollar!
The time it led me onstage to a money-saving seminar to explain why I was so hard up for cash that I would chase a single dollar through several dangerous intersections and a building with aggressive security.
The time the dollar came to a rest on a spill that might have been milk, but might have been vomit. I knew it was vomit. But you tell yourself it might have been milk because you have to. As weird as milk is, isn’t vomit just as weird, on a human level?
The time it led to an intervention that turned out to be for someone else, and they made me leave even though I explained that I too had drinking troubles and would like to sit in, completely out of sight, to hear the sorts of things friends and loved ones might say as a step towards possibly getting some of those.