“The Zombie Autopsies: Secret Notebooks from the Apocalypse”

“Reading a lot of hate on this book, which is surprising.

I think it treads somewhat similar territory to World War Z, a shadow that you’ll never get out from under if you write a zombie book that’s not so much focused on wild action.

But I liked it.

In fact, the most World-War-Z-esque elements were the weakest parts for me. The appendices were horsecock bullshit (I really wanted to make people think I was smart by pluralizing “appendix” and then dash the whole thing with “horsecock”). Filler. Which I hate. Sometimes I think people add stuff to make their books hit the 200-page mark, which is dumb. If you have 100 pages of great content, I will love your book. If you add another 100 pages of stuff, your book starts as being 50% as enjoyable and moves down from there.

However, SCREW the appendices and their slothnutsackality. Believe me when I tell you, you don’t have to read them.

And when you don’t, you get a perfectly satisfying zombie story that does, in my opinion, offer something different.

Yes, if you read this right after World War Z, you will be disappointed. Because you will be disappointed no matter what you read. I highly recommend using this time to read something stupid. Anything by Tyra Banks makes a good candidate. Because World War Z will leave you with GBS aka Good Book Syndrome, which is a syndrome characterized by reading something awesome and then trying to recapture that fire to no avail. It’s not going to happen, so you’re better off waiting out the fever by reading something you’re not going to enjoy anyway. Read this one around Halloween, 3 years after reading World War Z or more, and I think you’ll find what you’re looking for.”