“The Suicide Squad”

“I made the same mistake with this one that I did with Guardians of the Galaxy: I heard the hype too many times before I saw it.

This one has some of the Nick Spencer Spiderman problem (yeah, comics in a comic book movie review, DEAL WITH IT!). In that book, all the characters are goofballs. You need a straight man with your goofball to make them a goofball. Otherwise, the goofball level is higher in that world, in general, and becomes less goofy. Suicide Squad kinda felt that way for me. Everyone was a lovable goofball, but that means no one is really a goofball. 

It’s probably me and my inability to experience joy that’s to blame. I just kept looking at the seams. The guy who gets splattered when you know, just by how the shot is framed, that he’s getting splattered. That moment where the heroes are all down and maybe won’t be able to win I really felt like this movie could’ve skipped that. The triumphant decision to do something heroic, eh, felt like a very superhero movie thing to do in a movie that was mostly not doing what a superhero movie would do. 

But I haven’t really enjoyed anything for like 5 years. Help me. This is my cry for help. On a DC movie on a movie review app that’s slightly less awful than the others until you jump on the desktop version and it’s just ad bukkake.”