“The Motern Method”

“I occasionally get all into an art motivation sort of book, and this one’s under-read.

I think I identify hardest with the idea that if you finish something, go ahead and put it out into the word. Make a few bucks.

People will tell you that putting lackluster books up on the kindle store yourself will kill your chances of being traditionally published. And they might be right, I wouldn’t know because I’ve never had a publisher tell me, “Listen, we read that piece of shit where there’s a bikini car wash to save an arcade? We’re going to have to pass on this manuscript on the basis of that one being shit.”

I DO have a couple suspicions on the matter.

One is that publishers are going to begin having a difficult time not working with authors who’ve self-published in some capacity before. Those folks are going to be tough to find eventually.

Two, and the more important one, is that I suspect there are a whole shitload of books out there, sitting in drawers, that we’ll never see because someone is too chickenshit about ruining their chances with the great people at Penguin Random House.

It’s the last day of 2022, so I’m feeling expansive and like I want to give a little advice. And that advice is:

Keeping your art in a drawer because you’re afraid what snobs will think of it is no way to live your life.

Hiding your first book doesn’t actually make your second book any better.

If you do land with a major publisher at some point and put out a hit, man will it be to your advantage to have a back catalog up for sale, a catalog you own and don’t have to cut anyone else in on. Can you imagine if Andy Weir had another book out when The Martian hit? And I worked in a library when The Da Vinci code hit, and man, all of a sudden we were moving a lot of copies of Deception Point. I bet most of you don’t even know about Deception Point, but I can just about guarantee Dan Brown has a cabin he’s named Deception Point.

To me, worrying about that stuff is like worrying what the popular kids think of you in high school. Lean in, I’ll tell you a secret: they don’t think about you at all.

Same in books. WW Norton does not have an opinion on you or your work. They don’t know you exist.

I want to encourage everyone to be brave this year. Dust off those manuscripts and put them up for sale. Maybe you make 50 cents. Shoot, that’s 50 cents more than you had before. That’s one person who’s read your book, a 100% increase from last year! “