I just wanted to share a couple of things from some Star Wars comics that I find totally inappropriate. If this is too nerdy for you, then fuck yourself with a lacrosse stick or the tool for whatever it is you’re doing while the rest of us are interneting.
I’m not just being a dick here, but I don’t think animals in Star Wars say “ruf!” That’s what dogs say. Real dogs that live on Earth, not some other shitty planet with bizarre creatures trying to kill you all the time. So let’s leave the animal noises to the animals, huh?
Hey, super-cute idea of putting the word balloon behind the tree. But it takes me out of the story. I like my fourth walls like I like my personal heterosexuality: Toyed with, but always barely intact.
Finally, towards the end of an epic mission, nothing says victory like the Millenium Falcon taking off with a resounding “Krunk!” as Captain Lil’ Jon engages the Twerk drive and sets a course for hot beats.
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