The Definitive Daddy/Daughter Dances Post

A fried tweeted me a story:

It should be noted that this story originated in the “Am I The Asshole?” Reddit, which is a new favorite. Basically, people lay out a situation and end with, “Am I the asshole here?” Sometimes they are, in fact, the asshole.

In the story, the man in question said he did not want to take his daughter to a daddy/daughter dance, his wife flipped, and he took to the rad-its to find some answers. Hot tip: When your wife is really pissed, telling her that buttnugget420 has your back don’t mean dick.

As a longtime discusser of this topic, to the point that people now tell me when a daddy/daughter dance is happening in the area, something that is kind of the opposite of what I would like to happen, I will say my piece.

No, you’re not the asshole.

Now, people will often say “There’s nothing sexual about a daddy/daughter dance.” They will say this to me in an almost accusatory tone, as if they feel I need to be carefully watched from here on forward.

Dummy, if you’re not watching me carefully already, how is this the thing that convinced you?

But more to the point, how am I the weirdo for saying that I think something seems sexual in nature, and therefore I think we should reconsider its place in society? If someone had done this for the catholic church, perhaps we could have improved some lives.

I think the old saw “A picture is worth a thousand words” applies here:

IF, in fact, there is nothing wrong with the daddy/daughter dance, then this should be no problem. This should exist. Seems like a great way for fathers and their children to connect, no?

I think this should be the next Helpful Snowman event. I’d like to book a venue, pass out flyers, make posters, charge$money$, and have a First Annual Daddy/Son Dance.