“Solid horror flick, and it’s got just enough supernatural stuff without going too deep, plus, and this is huge, the supernatural elements aren’t overly explained. The movie doesn’t give you much choice but to accept them without explanation, and that’s what I like. Because, like, what’s up with movies that have silly, made-up logic for stuff? If it turned out that ghosts exist, they wouldn’t really have to function by any rules, right? Because they’re ghosts, and their very existence violates our rule sets? Or, perhaps more likely, ghosts may function under rule sets we do not know and/or can’t comprehend.
Point being, if supernatural shit has rules, it would almost by definition have to be rules that would appear arbitrary to us, sort of the way it probably seems arbitrary to your dog that you leave and go to work on some days and not on other days.
Like werewolves. They turn into werewolves during a full moon. So we know THAT it happens, we could probably figure that out, but when a movie tries to science out a mechanism for that? That’s where you lose me.
Lissen, Jurassic Park explains how they made dinosaurs in a 2-minute sequence that even the characters in the movie abandon because who cares?”