“Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Volume 7: City Fall, Part 2”

“It’s sort of amazing how many “See blahblahblah miniseries” we’re already getting in this series. Good in some ways, it means a worldbuilding thing is happening, which is nice. Bad in some others because with these volumes being so short, and with my library Hoopla checkouts numbering 6, I can’t get too far in this every month.

This is probably the most first-world problem I can think of, but you know what? I live in the first world. By definition, my problems are first world problems, aren’t they?

But let me ask this: if you have an injury, let’s say, that’s not a first world problem, right? Even if it’s an injury you get in the first world and with access to first world medicine?

But also, since when did we not like to hear people complain about first world problems? Isn’t that kind of the point of complaining about first world problems, that they’re ridiculous and therefore you can complain about them in ridiculous ways? How many great jokes can you make about world hunger? Seems impolite.”