Response Letter to the Princess

Dear Princess,

Thanks for the item.  I’m sure it will help in my journey.

Not to be a dick or anything, but reality check: About 400 bad guys have clouds to drive around in, so I could really use something with more punch.

If you happen across a handgun, I would appreciate it.

Things are pretty bad out here, although not as bad as the first couple times.  Each time, rescuing you takes longer, but is less difficult.  Maybe it’s just my perception.  Maybe this old war dog just doesn’t get affected like he used to.

War all the time, you know.

Um, I don’t know if this is the right time or the right way to do it, but I would like to fuck soon.  I’m up to seven combat jacks a day, and it’s starting to warp my mind a little bit.  I know we’re not married yet, or at least as far as I can tell from the perspective of a humble Earth plumber, but I do feel like I’ve shown more than an appropriate commitment.

Think it over.

Also, Toad is dead.  I won’t ever tell you how he died because it’s too horrific, but know that he died a hero.  I feel guilty that I complained about seeing his nipples all those times now because he was there when it really counted.  When this is all over I want to make sure he gets his due, not like the last time.  I won’t make his family go through that again.
