
Just a little pic from a recent trip to Utah.

C’mon, guys.  This is a little much.  I know there’s room for tradition here, but I feel like you’re really taking advantage of the fact that the only people who see this sign are racists who see it as a rallying cry for their righteous ascension to Jesus’ side (aka Utah residents) and people who think it’s hilarious (aka me). 

I guess Al Sharpton doesn’t take a lot of whitewater rafting trips.  God, it would be so easy to make a terribly racist swimming joke, but you guys already trumped it with the N word.  Well, not THE N word.  AN N word. 

I’m just saying that I was raised with certain values, and one of those values was that we do use that word.  And then we don’t.  And then we feel bad about using it before and overcompensate with a 7-syllable term that’s not really great either.

However, if this canyon is owned by a man who prefers to call himself Negro Bill, then I guess everything is fine.  I wouldn’t name a geographical feature after myself in such a way that brings up a negative connotation, for example, “Chronic Masturbator Peter Canyon” or “Hard to Say If He’s More Sexually Unsatisfying to Men or Women Peter Gulch.”  But that’s me.  Maybe I just don’t have balls big enough to fill Negro Bill’s canyon.