“Pizza Tree”

“The only flaw in this story, really, is that even if a pizza tree were evil…I’d let it ride. I mean, how evil does a tree that grows pizza have to be in order to make me go, “Alright, this just isn’t sustainable”?

Pretty evil, frankly. I mean, if a pizza tree killed my son, I’d be like, “Well, it’s not like killing the tree will bring him back, right? What’s done is done?”

If a pizza tree beat up my mom…maybe I could just trim it back or something?

This does tempt me to make a pizza tree, meaning stapling a bunch of pizza to a tree, I guess.

Couldn’t we just have SOME magic in this world? One pizza tree?

I feel like Pizza Tree could have also worked by being an E.T. story, Pizza Hut wants to capture the tree for obvious reasons, kids have to save it.

There are just so many stories to be told in the Pizzatreeverse.”