Pete Struggles to Come Up With Interview Questions to Kick Off Interviews With Olympic Athletes

Synchronized Swimming
“Do you ever use your synchronizing skills in other areas?  I think you’d be really good at doing the thing where two people get in the same costume to be a donkey.”

“I’m guessing they don’t sell nachos at the pool where you practice.  But could they?”

“How much does it piss you off that everyone calls your sport bad-mitten?”

“How many murders have you done in your mind of people who made jokes about how you could come help them move furniture?”

“I feel like you wear a lot of sweaters when you’re not rowing.  Why does this image come to my mind so readily?”

Horse Jumping
“Does the horse get a separate horse medal?”

“So I’m silly for thinking you could wear luchador  masks?  You HAVE seen the outfit you’re currently wearing, correct?”

Beach Volleyball
“I mean, your dad is dead, right?”