SWMWCMH (single white male with chronic masturbating habit)
SWFWNRSD (single white female with no REAL serious diseases)
MMWWALSD (married man who wants a little side dish)
MWWWALSDTRIIJAWLGYP (married woman who wants a little side dish that results in insane jealousy and will likely get you punched)
HPNSILSM (has purchased new shoes in last six months)
WBOWS (weird, but only with sex)
WIEBTSW (weird in everything BUT the sex ways)
GENNP (gauged ears need not apply)
[as an aside, it took me a long time to figure out that “D&D free” meant “drug and disease free” as opposed to referencing what I came to know as D&D, which had very little to do with drugs and provided very little opportunity to contract STDs]