Movies Where It Would Have Been a Mistake to Include the Title in Some Dialogue

“Bomb went off.  He never had a chance.  He’s gone to another place, man.  He’s in…the Hurt Locker now.”

“You can’t just drive.  You have to Drive Angry [whispers under breath] 3D.”

“Your arm is gone.  You have to accept it.  But it doesn’t matter.  True surfers don’t surf with their bodies.   They’re Soul Surfers.”

“When I met Andy DuFresne, I thought he was going to be in for life.  But I was wrong.  This is a story I like to tell out loud, and I call it The Shawshank Redemption. Although I’m not totally sure who I’m telling it to because I also eventually got out, at which point I had to not tell anyone about it.”

“Well boys, clearly this was the sight of a murder.  Not just a murder.  A massacre.  Some sort of…Texas…Chainsaw Massacre.”

“I feel uncomfortable here.  It’s like the Hills Have Eyes. Malformed, gross eyes.  But eyes nonetheless.”

“There’s an agent on the case.  Her name: Aeo…Ian…Ayon…it’s something Flux. I’ve never seen an  A and an E combined into one letter, and I wouldn’t have the slightest idea of how to say it.  But anyway, she is after us.”