Look at These Fucking Assholes

This is from an airport pamphlet.  I’m a big fan of the airport pamphlet stand.  I enjoy picking up pieces of paper that describe to me many of the things I will never do in my own backyard.  We have trains?  There’s a skydiving place?  Wait, do I still have a bed and a bag of Sun Chips at home?  Oh, then never mind.

But could these fuckers look any more excited?  Seriously, nobody’s having that much fun anywhere.  I especially like that the beers are badly photoshopped into their hands.  You couldn’t get these two world-famous models in on the same day to actually hold beers?  That makes me question the validity of your entire pamphlet.  I’m beginning to suspect that your brewery is not located on the tippy top of a snowy mountain for no reason whatsoever.

I’ll tell you something else, nothing makes me feel better about my life than sitting in the airport, waiting to pick up some dork than seeing a bunch of people who look like they’re having the time of their life.  I just ate at the worst Burger King of the century, looked at magazine covers for an hour, and now I’ve sunk so low that I’m staring at pamphlets for a hundred different places 68 of which involve dinosaur bones on some level.  So thanks a shitload for really picking up my day.