HOA Meeting Agenda

6:00 PM: Meeting begins with traditional 15-minute attempt to make a projector work.

6:15 PM: Treasurer talks about how the money is being spent. He is so boring that even though you came pissed off about your fees, by the time he’s done you don’t dare ask a question for fear that he might KEEP TALKING.

6:45 PM: We all dance around talking about the fact that there’s one dog shitting on the sidewalk all the time.

7:00 PM: Pass a new rule that will probably not prevent the dog shits, but will make life harder for everyone who cares about the rules.

7:15 PM: Neighborhood crazy given the floor to talk about something that no one else cares about.

7:30 PM: Neighborhood crazy politely asked to wrap it up.

7:40 PM: Neighborhood crazy wraps it up, promptly returns to seat, rummages through paper grocery bag of god knows what, and then leaves the meeting.

8:00 PM: Continue discussion of re-naming positions so that this whole thing doesn’t sound like grown-up student council.

8:15 PM: Talk about decorating for an upcoming dance.

8:30 PM: Attempt to ban Boy Scouts from soliciting until they get something better than popcorn. Popcorn? Please.

9:00 PM: Wrap up with a discussion of how to post the minutes online, including a fifth brief course in Dropbox.