“I appreciate the art from Guillroy, who you might know from Chew. Although I prefer the zanier art of Chew (I just heard that word the other day, “zany.” How long has it been since you called something “zany”?).
I’ll keep truckin’ with this one, but the first volume had a TON of info to dump, and it didn’t dump everything. You could feel Guillroy holding things back from the viewer, things that the characters in the story all know, and you sort of just want to get on with it.
That’s the problem when you don’t have a POV character. If the story is spooling out from a POV character, you can hide things because A) The character wouldn’t know them or B) The character wouldn’t be constantly thinking about the basics of their lives, so you could hide things about their past without hiding them, just by not having your character confront them.
When the POV isn’t character based, you feel the hiding of the facts a little more. “