Episode 500

I get the occasional question about the status of Episode 500, mostly along the lines of “Where the fuck is episode 500?”

Well, the deal is, before 500 is released, the listeners of this podcast must complete 

The 10 Trials of Snowmancules. 

Hey, it was originally going to be 500 trials, so this is a reduction of like a billion percent, effort-wise. 

1. Drink a Helpful Snowman Flight: One smallish glass of each: Malort, Albertson’s Whiskey, Night Train, and a badly blended vegetable smoothie that looks like sewage.

Status: Incomplete

2. Read a Charles Hinton book and submit a book report

Status: Completed by Wilma. 

3. Add one of my books to your Goodreads to-read list.

Status: Completed by Ian.

4. Read and review the Demolition Man novelization

Status: Incomplete. 

5. Buy at least 10 coffee mugs from thrift stores, bring them into work slowly and overfill the cabinet where the mugs are kept. Never admit that any of them are yours.

Status: Incomplete. 

6. Wear a Big Johnson t-shirt once (or more if you fall in love).

Status: Incomplete. 

7. List a Cheeto shaped like an object for sale on eBay.

Status: Incomplete. 

8. Create and submit an idea for a game to be played on the show.

Status: Incomplete. 

9. Make a personalized urinal screen to advertise Helpful Snowman and place it in a urinal.

Status: Incomplete. 

10. Accept a small pack of a few too many Peter Derk Book Club stickers.

Status: Complete by Julia.

11. Make a brand new theme song for the show.

Complete by Julia.

12. Have each of the custom episode 500 belt buckles claimed by different listeners.
