“Don’t Touch My Hair!”

“I’m not rating this one because it’s for kids, so obviously who cares what I think of it?

This book does have that kid book thing, the full-page explanation of why the book was written at the end. We JUST read an entire book that’s about a girl who is telling readers that it’s tough to have hair that’s interesting to others at times, and it’s okay to tell them No, they can’t touch it. Which is great, but then there’s a full page of like, “I wrote this book because sometimes people wanted to touch my hair, and I didn’t know how to say No.”

I think that message comes through pretty clearly. Crystal clear. It’s in the title and most subsequent pages. I think it’s so funny that kids books does this so often. These pages are clearly for the parents because why would a kid read them? And if the kid DID read them, I think even a kid would be like, Um, yeah. That’s the story I got from the story. “