“Berserk, Vol. 19”

“I scrolled down a little to see: what do people write for volume 19 of a series?
I mean, if you hate it at this point, YOU are the one making the mistake, right? Unless there just happened to be something specific you hated about this volume in an otherwise bangarang series.
It looks like most reviews are basically plot summaries, which is perhaps for the people writing them, so they remember which volume was which and what happens where.
It seems futile to write anything on volume 19 of a series. What difference can one little review make?
But if I’ve learned anything from Berserk, it’s that we should approach each battle as though it’s winnable, as though winning is almost certain, it’s just a matter of time until you get an opening or figure out how.
And it’s with that spirit that-
Eh, you know what? Even I can’t keep up that level of bullshit.
Solid comics, though.”