Some new favorite items.
This is a frozen food. I’m not a chef when it comes to Texas toast. But am I to understand that you buy this…toast it, and then eat it? Which saves you the time of buying regualr bread…toasting it, then eating it?
Hm. Well, not what I would have guessed if you forced me to tell you what a Mexican Train was.
The continued existence of this toy angers me to a level that’s hard to really understand.
A combination lock with numbers AND letters. First off, not more secure. See, internet passwords could potentially be run through via computer, making a letter/number combo better because there is a limitless number of combinations. However, in a case like this where you have to pick three things, numbers or letters, the presence of letters doesn’t really change your odds in any significant way.
Plus, the letter F-U-C-K are conspicuously absent. Not kidding.
This is a cordless wine opener. FINALLY. I’m tired of dragging out an extension cord every time I need to open wine in the garage. The good news is that it boasts 80 corks worth of opening power from one charge. The bad news is that the original wine opener that has existed since wine corks will open infinity bottles for no charge. Also, it doesn’t look like you have a vibrator plugged into your kitchen outlet.
Why would you want “wacky” noises to wake you up in the morning? Nobody has ever said, “Get me up at six. And the wackier you do it, the better!” Ways to be woken up that work are: quickly, sexy, gently, and stuff like that. Let’s save wacky for the Animaniacs.
A white towel with a coffee cup printed on it. Nothing could possibly be more useless for cleaning up coffee spills than a white towel.
I’ll give this company one thing, they definitely believe in their product. They believe in it so much that they don’t even need to sell it to you by showing it mounted on the wall. This would be like selling a shelving unit and instead of showing it built with a vase on top you had a picture of the loose boards you use to put the shelf together. Instead, they show it exactly how it will look before you sweep it into a junk drawer and lose all the parts immediately.
Okay, can we stop having these around, seriously? Nobody is buying these CD’s. Everyone is pushing the worst one and running away giggling. Also, how far do you have to fall as an artist (JEWEL!) to have your CD featured on the CD endcap machine at Target?