Can we keep this in mind?
There were some big news stories that everyone might have missed over the holiday: I hate to sound like someone is anti-India, mostly because I
Bell Ringers
Man do I hate those guys. Here’s a great holiday plan: Let’s put berserk hobos in front of every single place that you go, especially
Christmas Readiness
One thing that’s really nice for me is that I always get a cold right around Christmas. And because I eat right and exercise, I
Office Party Pooper
I was listening to a radio show the other day where they were going over some recommended rules for how to behave at an office
Another Day, Another Video
Another problem with Christmas is that it always reminds me of the passing of my beloved grandfather…
Santa Pushers
One thing I can’t excuse about Christmas is the Santa Pushers. The last couple years, I’ve been treated to the job of helping out a
Day 7: Shitret Santa
The only thing worse than giving a gift is giving some garbage to someone you don’t even know. If you work in a place, you
You know what’s really shitty about this holiday? The whole thing where someone starts saying Merry Christmas, then stops them self and says, Happy
Songs, 5
What’s that sound I hear? Is it music? Is it the sound of a convertible sliding under a truck, which decapitates the convertible driver from
Day 3 of Horrid Christmess
Let’s talk gifts. When someone gets you a gift, you expect them to say something like, “Merry Christmas,” or, “This is for you.” But what
Day 2
Santa. This is for idiots. “You know what I would like to do? Work really hard and really save cash for three months, get
Twelve Days of Shit Christmas: Day 1
Day 1: Christmas Trees This is kind of where everything begins. For those of you who don’t know because you’re from Africa or you grew
Bumper Stickers That More Accurately Reflect My Feelings
I’d Rather Be Fishing. But just barely. I’d Rather Be Fishing. Unless it’s the kind where you have to stand in the water. If that’s
What the Scientist Responsible for Reviewing the Voltron Project Should Have Said
Guys, holy shit. This is never going to fucking work. First of all, I don’t understand the point of this project at all. 5 robotic
Why Do Schools Have Newspapers?
Headline: Nerd Wins Some Contest That You Don’t Even Understand the Rules of, Stands at Podium Headline: Guest Speaker at Assembly That Everyone Attended and
Ant Farms
Can we talk about how insane this is? So you buy this ant cage at a toy store or whatever, and then you send a
So Much Trouble Could Have Been Avoided
“Um, also, just to be safe, we made this robot no stronger than a small child. We had some issues where previously they were stronger
I Wish it Was Analog Death
Digital Death Has everyone heard of this? If not, I’ll explain as quickly as I can. Alicia Keys and a bunch of other celebrities got
The Magic of the Seasons
Fall Magic: Shitty leaves all over the goddamn place that cover a layer of mystery slime. Winter Magic: Walking barefoot to the dumpster and being
82 Questions I Have About Disney Movies
1. Bambi is a dude? 2. How did Snow White have an apple in her windpipe for three weeks without dying? 3. Who thought that
Reasons for Adult Swim, Near as I Can Tell
To prevent chronic injury in lifeguards who spend eight hours a day twirling a whistle on a rope around their finger until it’s all the
Predictions of Gags That Will Be in the New Fokkers Movie
Ben Stiller hit in the nuts with a rolled-up yoga mat. Ben Stiller hit in the nuts with a woman’s purse as she quickly turns
Letter to Myself
Something that a lot of teachers do in high school is assign you to write a letter. It’s the first day of high school, and
Flossing, if not total bullshit, is at least partial bullshit.
Flossing, if not total bullshit, is at least partial bullshit. Think about it. What other part of your body do you run a string across
The True Tale of When I Was in a Play
Parents are always encouraging their kids to do shit, and when their kids do shit they are happy. Jimmy should play soccer, Johnny should join
Wonka Incident Report
Incident Report Wonka Chocolate & Candy, inc. 11/12/1986 Please state your full name: Ooompa Loompa Doopity (Doo) Occupation: Enslaved Elf Creature, hard candy sector Please
Black Friday
First of all, real nice that we call it “Black” when it’s cheap shit day. Real fuckin’ nice. I see we’ve all come a long
According to analytics, the following are search terms that were entered into google and directed people to this web site. For your convenience, search terms
The Present and Future of Airport Security Screening
Years Ago: “And you say that you’re Steve? Okay, good enough for me.” Not so Long Ago: “Make sure to put your bag up on
Vegan Cinnamon Roll = Fuck You to America
So the other day I went to a coffee shop. They force you to buy baked goods there because instead of having them wrapped up
What Happened to Your Basketball Hoop (the answer every time)
“Oh, we had this neighbor kid who could slam dunk, and he hung off the rim and bent the shit out of it. I think
Thoughts Upon Seeing a New, $200,000 Piece of Equipment at Work
That’s it? Remember that story where John Henry raced the stem engine? I think the steam engine beat him, but I feel like the moral
Relationship Advice: Helpful Snowman Answers Yahoo Relationship Questions
Is this a sign that he likes me? this guy I like was helping to sell lunch today at school and I was waiting in
P*rn in a Cup
A news story about a coffee shop which makes a 10-shot espresso drink hit the interwebs today. Mostly confusing because the title was “Porn in
Warning: Kids Love Flasks
Okay, just in case you can’t tell what’s going on here, this is a metal flask wrapped in a plastic bag. Printed on the plastic
This Damn Sign
Has everyone else seen this damn sign everywhere: Can we stop with this thing already? It’s cute and all, but after about 40,000 times it’s
Let’s Settle This Once and for All
Are these things candy or medicine? Arguments for Medicine: 1. Found in Medicine Aisle 2. Contains an “Active Ingredient” 3. Has Directions for Use, which
Pee Wee’s Playhouse
The best show on TV when I was a kid was Pee Wee’s Playhouse. If you didn’t like it, you’re a piece of shit and
Pros and Cons of Taking Nearly a Week Off Work to do Almost Nothing
Pro: Lots of rest. Con: Much of this rest comes in the form of post-beer sleep, which results in nightmares about taking a vacation to
True Dad Tales: The Final Chapter
My little brother ordered a pellet gun from a catalogue, and although he wasn’t parent enough to stop the initial order or even notice for
The Blender Lid
My dad had strange taste in music. Not only that, but he would pick a CD and listen to it straight through over and over,
My Dad’s Bada$$$$ Bachelor Pad
My Dad’s Bachelor Pad Part of the appeal of going to dad’s house was that you could do pretty much whatever you wanted. There were
Five Great Moments of Public Embarrassment with my Dad (Great as in Big Huge)
1. I brought a friend over to my dad’s house. We were maybe 14, going through that shitty phase where you want sex the most
Dad Tale the First
This next week is devoted to True Tales of My Dad. Okay, seems like a Shit My Dad Says rip-off, I know. But these
You Will Always Be My Baby
Today was a really nice day for me and Dum-Dum. We went to the park and I accidentally left him in one of those swings
Dum-Dum in the Hospital
Hey readers. When we last left Dum-Dum, he was still a piece of shit and the skin started coming off his head. He needed some
Baby, Baby, Baby, Baby, oh Baby.
We got to the lady’s house. I have to say, it was kind of crappy. Disappointing for a house for a grown-up, you know? She
Baby Blog, Cont.
Today, me and Dum-Dum started our day out at Petsmart. This is another one of those great parenting tips I was promising everyone. Did you
Baby Blog Day 2: Baby Gets a Name
Today was a rough day with baby. It started out okay. I opened up his drawer/bed and went to get his lazy ass up, but
Baby Blog: Miracle Day 1
I have a baby. It’s a Halloween miracle. Friends and family want all the details about the baby, even though they didn’t seem to give
My Impression of Every Amazon Review Ever
(special thanks to my chum-diddly-umptious) **** Pretty Not Bad If you haven’t seen Ghostbusters, it’s about these three guys who use backpacks to catch ghosts.
Europe on $5 a Day
-Use your $5 on day one to purchase a tin can for begging. This is known as begging and it frowned upon. Lots of people
Can someone explain the point of this stamp to me, please? Why would you take the time to stamp a book with a stamp that
Cliffhanger Chapter Endings from My New Novel
“The teacher said, ‘Class, I’d like you to welcome our newest student- Adolf Hitler!’” “As I watched the blood swirl down the drain, I realized
Your Piss
So I went to a couple concerts last week and I got something to say. I’m not a shy pisser. I can pee in front
Shout, Shout, Let it All Out
Things I am Not Likely to Scream in Any Situation. “Oh my god, my face! My beautiful face!” “My Moneyyyyy!!!!” “Charge!” “Tell my children I
Buffalo Dickel
Can we all take a close look at this thing for a second? Now imagine you’re an artist creating the new design for the nickel.
Drafts of The Letter I Will Write to My Kids to Let Them Know the Dog is Dead
Dear Lil’ Buddies, Howz it goin’? Sorry, I know you hate it when I try to be cool, homies. But let me tell you about
The Five Stages of Grief As Applied to Having to Shit at Work
1. Denial Oh fuck. This isn’t happening. This is not happening. 2. Anger Really? You had to eat that whole fucking burrito? Couldn’t have left
Things Teachers LOVE to Say
“Wikipedia is not an acceptable source.” Oh really? At least Wikipedia cites something. Meanwhile you stand up there with no fucking citation whatsoever. I’m just
A Second Response to Spammers
Part of posting on your own web site is that you get spammers. They’re a lot like the ones you get in email, the ones
Colorado Amendment 62? More like Sixty-Poo!
Section 32. Person defined. As used in sections 3*, 6**, and 25*** of Article II of the state constitution, the term “person” shall apply to
Pete Weighs in on History’s Great Debates
Did FDR Know About the Attack on Pearl Harbor Ahead of Time? It seems to me that No, he didn’t. Remember, this was a
Pete Visits the Aquarium
Hi. I’ll take one aquarium, please. Sir, you are required to wear a shirt to enter these premesis. Oh. And I can’t help but notice
Jesus Art
[note: for anyone reading this via facebook, scroll to the bottom and click “view original post” in order to see all images and video. Or
Questions I Have About Construction Based on The Road Work Happening Right Now
So is this planned in any way, or is it more like you get convoluted directions from a giant loom like in that shitty Wanted
Cop Stories: The Final Insult
After the last couple stories seemed to resonate with people, I wanted to share my other two classic stories of our wonderful public servants in
Pete Would Not Function Well In Old Days
“Pete, congratulations on defeating your enemy.” “-huff- -huff- yeah. Thanks. Um, thanks, Gandorf.” “Now that you have slain him, you must eat his eyes and
By Popular Demand: The Blizzard Story
First of all, this is going to be disappointing. It’s not much of a story. The story part comes in with my furious anger, which
Dogs and Cops: Life Ruiners
Two important things to get out of the way here. 1. Enough with the fucking dogs. 2. Cops are so goddamn worthless it blows my
Pete is Hired to Write Goosebumps
#89: The Haunted Home Depot Summary: This kid gets trapped in Home Depot overnight. It’s scary and these little creatures are running around, operating the
Porn Cottage
The cottage porn industry has given us a lot to be happy about over the past several years. With internet porn ever on the rise
Updates = Suckdates
What the hell is going on with these computer updates? Every couple days or so my computer tells me it NEEDS updates, which I immediately
Sun Chips: Pansies
Get a load of this headline: Sun Chips noisy biodegradable bag gets tossed There are slow news days, and then there are days when time
Get a Load of These Cheap-Ass Sports Trophies
Ah, sports. Nothing to make it all worthwhile like a shitty cup made out of metal. But we love our shiny metal cups, so let’s
Pete is Invited to Participate in the Street Fighter II Tournament, Discusses Chances of Winning
Okay, let me look at my dance card here and see what I’m up against. * * Okay, “Ryu” is up first, huh? He
“Random” Defined
A lot of people are putting the word “Random” as the title of a Facebook photo album. Please stop. You clearly do not understand the
Another Letter for a Fan
Write a letter to people that film remakes of ’70s b-movies which are too slick, trying too hard, and/or are unfunny. Dear Those Guys, This
Letters for Fans (guest art by Heinzie)
Please write a letter to my ISP that always lies about how their service sucks and they need to get their shit handled. Thanks Dylan
Me On That Fucking Show Where You Redecorate Your Neighbor’s House
Okay, first I’d just like to say thanks for all the hard work you did on my house. I always wanted salmon-colored walls and long
Dear The Guy Who Invented Musicals,
Congratulations on combining two of my least favorite things, theater and bad songs, with two of my other most hated things, bad storytellling and bright-eyed
Dear Every News Show and Talk Show That Thinks It’s Cute to Talk About Justin Bieber,
Stop it. This is a little boy. He’s what, 12? When I was 12 I was still relatively certain the vagina was on the front.
Dear Makers of Office Supplies,
You guys seem to be doing alright. People buy your shit and then other people steal it from work all the time, so I guess
Dear Japan,
I know what you did. Not cool. You made Super Mario Bros, which was great. And then you sent over Super Mario Bros. 2, which
Dear People at the Jukebox, That’s where you buy an iPod. The jukebox is not an iPod that you’re leasing one song at a time. So what’s the fucking
Dear Coke Mixer Lady,
I do not understand your lifestyle. I’m sitting in Subway thinking about my life and how it ended up at Subway, and you come walking
Dear Lady Trying to Drop Off Yellow Books At My Work,
Hey, we all have a job to do. I understand. It’s tough out there kid, and you have to watch out for yourself. But
Letter 1
This week is all about letters, letters written to people who pissed me off recently. This is the first time I have been saddened that
Reader’s Choice pt. 4
“I was hoping this would result in a Talking Heads blog.” Fuck… Well, let me start by saying that I know almost nothing about the
Reader’s Choice, pt. 3
Dear HelpfulSnowman, Please write a really really sarcastic blog about comments/responses one could make regarding ignorant conversation about food/weight comments. I should point out that
Reader’s Choice, pt. 2
“You should write about how people take weight loss pills instead of getting to the gym, or simply eating less and moving more.” Ah, the
This Week: Reader’s Choice
For the next five days I’m proud to present topics suggested by readers. Today’s topic: The Comic Store Lady This one requires a little backstory.
There Are Reaons to Not Beat Off?
It has come to my attention that there are serious arguments against masturbation. In fact, a little googling will reveal lots of links about “overcoming”
What the Hell is Going on With Movie Trailers?
Okay, just watch the trailer below. Ignore the movie as much as possible. Also, for the love of god, ignore the National song ruined forever.
Things I Would Like to See on the Side of Medicine Packages
-Take this medication to cure symptoms such as nasal congestion, cough, sore throat, and voice crack that makes you sound seventeen again. And not in