Nursery Rhymes
I’ll never forget that night. It was raining. Pouring. I remember that because my wife said she could hear the sawing roar of my snores
Pete’s Dental Update
It’s been a while since we’ve done one of these. I thought it might be fun to show off some of my newest face-fixing gear.
Helpful Snowman Radio Ep. 86
Things get serious. Whiskey serious. Episode86
Excuses I Would Try for Having a Butterfly Tattoo
-If you look closely, it’s actually a bullet. With butterfly wings. Which is not my favorite song, or even my favorite Smashing Punkins song. But
What the Hell, My Fridge?
Yesterday I went to get some shit out of my fridge and the shit was frozen. Milk. It was milk that was frozen, not shit.
Bad Guesses to Make During a Game of Guess Who?
-Does your person have a shitty look? -Does your person have the deadened eyes of someone who has seen too many deaths, edged too close
Helpful Snowman Radio Ep. 85
The story of moms, motorcycles, high school reunions, and the battle of one man versus the bottle. Episode85
Reasons I Would Really Like for You to Stop Posting Your Political Opinions on Facebook
-Because voting is for suckers who love waiting in confusing lines that snake around crappy card tables and are staffed by children and the elderly
Pete Going Through a School Supply List with His Son
1 Blunt Scissors So they’re not even going to teach you how to use regular scissors? Well, I don’t think I’ll be wasting moolah on
Less Successful Sequels to If You Give a Mouse a Cookie
If You Give a Goose a Six-Pack If You Give a Ferret a Habitat in Your Home for Some Reason If You Give a Cat
Making the Best of It
A friend once pointed out to me the best part of Willy Wonka. When Charlie opens the candy bar and there’s no golden ticket inside,
If Guys From My Gym Live Tweeted Their Workouts
GymmieGym @oldmanballs 3h Another day, another pair of beige shorts, another workout ~ GymmieGym @oldmanballs 2h Found gum under bench in locker room. Decided to
Helpful Snowman Radio Ep. 84
Join me on the drive to work. And home from work. Every damn day. Episode84
What People Seem to Be Saying About Apps
The Technologically-Challenged: “How come there isn’t an app to do this one very specific task that only I really care about, and really only for
Alternate Names Discussed Before They Settled on “Toby Keith’s I [heart] This Bar & Grill”
Toby Keith’s Down Home Chicken Finger Unfreezery Toby Keith’s Chicken Finger Emporium. Toby Keith’s Loudest Chicken Finger Outlet of All Time Ever, Amen. Toby Keith’s
Thoughts on Moving Into Fictional Video Game Cities Based on Name Alone
Raccoon City As much as I enjoy a nice raccoon here and there, I feel like a city named for them might have a higher
iPhone Game Madness
In this special episode, I downloaded 10 free iPhone games and am prepared to let you know what I think about each one. Because it’s
Prefaces to Recipes in My Recipe Book
There’s nothing like fresh veggies, locally grown and sold at your local farmer’s market. You can truly taste the freshness. But also, burgers are
Mike Haggar for AMERICA: 2012
Hi, I’m Michael Haggar. But you can call me Mike. Or just Haggar. A lot of you probably recognize me from a lot of different
How Are You Applying Cologne?
Yesterday I was outside. This is significant not only because I was outside, one of my most hated places, but also because it’s an important
New Dictionary Words
Just like every year, some new words were added to the dictionary. And just like every year, people make a big old deal about it.
A Very Short List of Excuses I Would Accept as Explanation for Why This Ice Cream Sandwich is So Tiny
1. Someone has developed a shrink ray and decided to first try it out on ice cream sandwiches, then Rick Moranis, then release it to
How to Gauge My Emotional State Based on Which Song Has the Potential to Make Me Weep
“Nightswimming” by REM – I’m in good shape, but not made of stone here. “Stay” by Lisa Loeb – Feeling a little nostalgic, a little
Helpful Snowman Radio Ep. 82
Reused the same song. It Only Goes to Show by the Haints. Check them out. Episode82
How Come This Has NEVER Happened During a Game of Clue?
Child: I think it was Miss Peacock, in the Conservatory, with the candlestick. Mom: Just to clarify. You’re saying that, in order to win this
Ways Life May Be Different Had I Stuck with Clarinet
-Increased frequency of complaints about how establishments don’t often enough have hat racks for a man’s fedora these days. -Deeper appreciation and understanding of tweed.
Pete in Gunfights Throughout the Ages
Musket Days: Okay, I think I got this. So you open this thing. What’s a frizzen? Okay, never mind. You open this shit and dump
You guys remember this crap? Something about the commercials for this sold me and just about every kid I knew that Kix were awesome. Kix
Helpful Snowman Radio Ep. 81
So studded with stars that you can go ahead and throw that stud finder right in a flaming barrel of garbage. Episode81
Some of the Most Recent Spam Comments from This Very Site
I hope your life more wonderful’s a good, You have brought up a very excellent details post. Yes, thank you. I also hope my life
Shopping for a Present for a Boy’s First Birthday
This is one of the harder things I’ve ever done. For starters, I don’t think his hands are grown enough to hold most of the
Spiders Spiders Spiders
With a toothbrush in my mouth and after-sleep nausea in my belly, I stood at the sink and watched as a spider climbed out through
Old Men Fashion
Okay, old men of the world. I’ve seen a couple odd fashion choices the last few days that need to be addressed. Not so much
Helpful Snowman Radio Ep. 80
Bucket lists return. Along with a world of water. Episode80
Ways for Pizza Guys To Deflect Come-Ons from Lonely Women: a Primer
First things first, always remember that you are a pizza man. You’re not required to do anything you don’t want to do here. It’s hard
Pete Struggles to Come Up With Interview Questions to Kick Off Interviews With Olympic Athletes
Synchronized Swimming “Do you ever use your synchronizing skills in other areas? I think you’d be really good at doing the thing where two people
Questions I Have Asked About a Golf Tournament that Should Make Officials Reconsider My Participation
“Do I need more than three clubs?” “If I only need 3 clubs, do I need a whole golf bag or can I just carry
Some Things We All Need to Agree On Regarding Futons
Good Evening, It has come to my attention that there are those out there who feel that futons are appropriate items. Below are a few
Olympic Sponsors
I’m a little confused about the Olympics. Actually, I’m a lot confused about the Olympics, but I’m breaking it up into smaller chunks to better
What iPod Headphones Are Saying About My Body
-Your ears have a very odd shape. Especially the hole part. That is all wrong, which is why we do not stay in. -Your torso
Other Things That Could Have Been Called Trapper Keeper, Had That Name Not Been Taken
-Some sort of really awful spider that uses a trap door and keeps its victims alive for an inordinately long amount of time. -The biography
Junior Mints: Treat, then Stomach Pain
1 Junior Mint: Wow, what a delicious treat. Thanks! 2 Junior Mints: These are really good. Waxy, but good waxy. 3 Junior Mints: I’m becoming
Frankenstein’s Monster: Pre-Production Pros and Cons List
Pro: Because skin is composed of small bits of tissue, damaged skin is easily replaced. Con: Damaged skin is replaced with corpse skin. Pro:
Questions for Discussion From the End of My Memoir
1. Oftentimes in literature it is said that the length of a section has a lot to do with how important the author finds the
Sunburn Remedy Review
After getting a decent forearm sunburn that made me look like some kind of lobster man, or maybe a regular man with very embarrassed forearms,
Did You Really Need to Leave This Half Tube of Preparation H Sitting in a Bathroom Stall?
I am not a man of stone. I have concern for other people. So if someone is suffering from a medical problem, I am happy
Tearing Banners Like a BOSS!
I’m confused about this thing where people go running through banners. This might be related to the fact that my sports knowledge lacks depth. ANY
Helpful Snowman Radio Ep. 77
An experience that is near to death, nearer to our hearts. Episode77
The Closest Thing Pete Has Experienced To A Fonzie/Jukebox Moment
Banging a battery-powered nose hair trimmer against the bathroom counter until it fired up.
If Glitter Were Regulated Properly
Thanks for coming to our craft day! This should be a TON of fun. Over here we’ve got paper, crappy scissors that couldn’t even cut
Pete’s Version of the “Unattended Children Will Be Given an Espresso and a Puppy” Sign
Unattended Children will be given a room temperature glass of water and a long discussion about heartbreak. Unattended children will be given a pep talk
Icebreaker: 2 Truths and 1 Lie
1. I like this game. 2. I like this game. 3. I fucking hate this game.
Why Wendy’s is So Rich
Monday Morning: Oh, crap. I don’t have anything to eat. Okay, tonight I’ll go to the grocery store, for sure. Right after work, straight to
Books: Stay Here with Me by Robert Olmstead
I had a really great poetry teacher in school. Funny. Smart. Great bullshit detector. Seriously, almost frighteningly attuned to suss out if you were full
Hard-Won 4th of July Safety Tips
-It’s perfectly safe to drink out of a can or bottle after a bottle rocket has been launched from it. It tastes horrible, but you’re
“Free Bird”: the Breakup Letter That Came Before the Song
Hi Kathy, I was trying to think of something to start this off with. Something that might soften the blow here. When I was young,
Please See Attached Sheet for Complete Emergency Contact Info
Hi There! So here’s the thing, you only gave me one line to put emergecny contact info. That’s just not enough. I don’t know how
Guessing Game: See if You Can Guess Which Question Was Asked of the HVAC Guys By Pete During a Recent Visit
“Do you think there’s a roof leak, or are we looking at an overfull drip tray when we’ve got just the right conditions for condensation
Things That Those Little Dots on Pac-Man Might Be
Dog Food- I don’t care to imagine that they’re dog food pieces. That would be sad. To imagine Pac-Man is running through a maze and
Employee Handbook for New Employees at the Cell Phone Kiosk at the Mall
Welcome! If you’re reading this, you are one of our newest employees. Hopefully you are wearing your gigantic, un-ironed button-up shirt that makes it look
Bathroom Question
As many of you know, I try to be fairly polite when the situation calls for it. Like when meeting new people, or meeting their
Books: The Art of Fielding by Chad Harbach
I only have nice, mushy things to say about this book. I know, that’s not as fun to read. But what can I say? It
Happy Birthday
Today is my brother’s birthday. One of the greatest moments in comedy that I can remember is from a time I was with my brother.
Pete’s Guide to Setting Up a Tent
Congratulations on purchasing this tent. What an exciting day for all of us. Hopefully you have many years of camping joy ahead of you with
Helpful Snowman Radio Ep. 74
Rocky. But this time, I’m not alone. Episode74
Pete’s Various Theories on the Causes of Boners Through His Lifetime
Age 5: A bone happens in my peep. Age 10: It feels like my peen is full of pee. Like a pee balloon. But nice
Pete Lands a Gig Writing Descriptions for Pepperidge Farms Cookies
Dear Pete, Below you will find sample copy and a list of cookies for which we need descriptions. Please write a brief introduction to each
Times I’ve Worn Black Socks, Ranked from Most to Least Appropriate
With a suit at a formal gathering. With a nice sweater and slacks ensemble at a semi-formal occasion. With dark jeans a nice shoes while
Speech I Am Writing Down Here So That I Can Reference It Should I Ever End Up in a Horror Movie Scenario
Alright guys, shit’s getting bad. Real bad. But let’s get a couple things straight in these couple minutes that we bought by pushing a piece
Helpful Snowman Radio Ep. 73
Morning Show Plus Illness. Get Ready. Episode73
Annual Pre-Rafting Letter
Dear Friends, As you may know, I will be joining an annual rafting trip on the Colorado River this weekend. In Utah. Why the Colorado
Damn Stupid Phone
My phone has a button that says “.com” right next to the period. I would like to apologize for the following texts: “Alright.” Not
The Difference in Pete’s Thoughts, Depending on Whether or Not He Has Ingested Cold Medicine
No: I guess I’d better get up this morning. Yes: I guess I’d better get up this morning, pull down a box of cereal, delicately
How You Got That Black Eye
I fell down the stairs. And into a bar fight. I was holding up a pair of binoculars to watch a bird. Then the bird
Things I Can and CANNOT Do with Guns
CAN: Point it in the general direction of something fairly close and make a hole. CANNOT: Carve a cross into the point of every bullet
Not Rides
Today, for the fifth or so time, I saw someone using a mobility scooter with someone else RIDING ON HIS LAP. Guys, not a motorcycle.
Apartment Hunting: Signs That Your Standards May Be Low
You consider it legitimate apartment-hunting practice to scatter pieces of candy around the room and wait for ants to emerge from the baseboards. Your questions
Letter to Potential Summer Camps
Dear Camp, I am desperately looking for a place to unload my son for a good part of the summer. This is ostensibly because I
Why Craigslist Missed Connections Never Work for Me
Saw you driving the other day. In a car. I was also in a car. You gave me a meaningful look. The meaning it was
Radio Hits
A quick playlist of some of our best stuff. Or at least some of the stuff that I bothered to make videos for. 10 minutes
Reasons They SHOULD Close the Gym
Every other day, one part or another of the gym is closed. Usually because they are going to have 4 million kids destroying the premesis
Helpful Snowman Radio Ep. 69
The continued saga of the bed, plus Pete at the hitchin post. episode69
Locales for Cozy Mysteries
Tea Kettle Creek Peppermint Hollow Shortcake Grove Walrus Cove Gingerbread Springs Tabby Beach Michael’s Craft Store Gulch
How They Could Save a Lot of Time Chasing Crooks in Cops
Outlaw those little blue swimming pools in high crime areas. Make those little blue swimming pools transparent on the bottom. Make those little blue swimming
Things Considered Amenities by U-Haul
Cloth Seats! REAL cloth?! Wowzers. Wherever did you find such a treasure, such a jewel of the textile industry? And to think that you used
Helpful Snowman Radio Ep. 67
Laverne and Shirley are not the same as Thelma and Louise. Lessons learned. Episode67
More Vagina Talk
After looking through some Urban Dictionary synonyms for vagina for yesterday’s post, I felt like I had a responsibility to point out some of these
Ikea Product or Synonym for “Vagina”
Objective: See if you can guess whether the following words are synonyms for “vagina” or the names of Ikea products. Solution is in the comments
Helpful Snowman Radio Ep. 66
The tale of the last time I peed my pants. The beach boys may be peripherally involved. Episode66