Some of My Favorite Pinball Machines
Ah, the AC/DC pinball machine. This is a really pleasant sight that you can stare down upon while playing for hours on end. Pleasant, fun,
Pete Tries to Nonchalantly Read Playboy
ON THE AIRPLANE Okay. Let’s just see who’s sitting next to me…ah, perfect. A middle-aged lady who has an uncanny resemblance to my mom. That’s
What Is An Algorithm?
What An Algorithm Is: A formula or set of steps for solving a particular problem. What An Algorithm Is In Movies: A weird magic thing
Preview of Ninja Sons: a Helpful Snowman Mini-Book
Most dads would be proud to have three ninja sons who foiled an international plot of evil. Most dads would be over the moon. Way
It’s October. The time of year when I feel a certain love is in the air. Mainly, the love of going to the pumpkin patch
Great Opportunities
Came across some pretty incredible opportunities in some old comic books. Truly, times were much better. How prosperous we must have been AS A NATION.
Aunt May Action Figure!!!!!!!
Not so long ago I was in a thrift store, and peeking out from a shelf I saw a box for a Marvel Comics action
Dr. Light: Corporate Espionage
many people know Dr. Light as the kindly scientist with the Santa-like appearance who created Mega Man, a fighting robot meant to defeat the evil
Helpful Snowman Radio Ep 152
In which we find out whether Pete is ready to be known as Daddy.
How’s My iPod? Thanks for Asking!
Someone at work asked about my iPod the other day. Not one of those questions about where I got the sweet case or what kind
Unorthodox Sex Warnings That May Come From Me
Um, before we get started, I just thought you should know that I might be a little greasy. I was kind of making some bacon
Accurate Box Co. Inc.
Where would we be without this company and its informative stamps? Singlewall? Confirmed. Edge Crush Test: 32 LBS/IN Meets Freight Classifications: You bet your dick!
Helpful Snowman Radio Ep 151
Look like a model…or just…well, probably nothing.
Suggestions for the Ensure Company
-Change the name of your drink. Because it sounds like a drink that is for helping you shit. Some name suggestions include every word made
So, just realized how the image from this post and yesterday’s looks like the number 700 written in cum. I’m not sure if anyone else
Amazing Spider-Man Thru Issue 113
Made it through issue 113 at the laundromat last night! At first I thought that maybe the squalor of the place was the key. Really,
10 Things That Need to Be Said About Government Shutdown
Good Evening. I wanted to take a break from talking about pee-pees and wee-wees to talk about something that means a lot to me: Our
Helpful Snowman Radio Ep 150
We are all lesbians, turns out. SECRET lesbians.
Welcome to the Digital Renaissance Fair
Sadly, I did not make it to the Renaissance Fair this year. I missed a lot. So what I decided to do is create my
Helpful Snowman Radio Ep 149
Golf, girl pants, and why I will probably die of a face infection.
All That She Wants, Is Some More Snowman, Hey-ey-ey
Howdy, I had a couple of questions, a couple things to add, and just some general sunshine-y shit to throw in here. Bidness First: Some
Pete Paints the Population Sign in the Old West
“Pete, we’ve had a murder in town, I’m afraid.” “Crap. Are you kidding me? Didn’t we just have a murder?” “‘Bout two weeks ago, I
How Many Tags and Sticker Will Be On Your New Suit?
Cracked the code and created this helpful equation. Let’s assume that N represents the number of stickers and tags that you pull off the suit
Amazing Spider-Man Work Continues
As many of you know, I’ve made it a life goal to read all 700 issues of Amazing-Spider Man. For those of you who didn’t
Cracker Hierarchy
Ritz Crackers Delicious, golden-brown, each individual cracker is like stepping into a fancy hotel room. It’s familiar, prefectly-appointed, yet feels just a little bit like
Helpful Snowman Radio Ep 148 FIXED
Sorry about that. Here’s the real one for real.
A Favorite Gross Gym Story
Yesterday’s post sparked a memory. Many years ago I used to go to a much fancier gym. What made it fancier was mostly that they
Ways They Could Make Shower Setups Worse
A few weeks ago the gym I visit was closed in order to clean the pools and do some other shit. Which should be comforting
Karate Class: Expectations V. Reality
Expectation: Breaking a board in half with a karate chop. Reality: Sitting on the floor and listening to how it’s important to not karate people.
And Now This
Friends of this web site will remember a radio show a couple weeks back where I spoke about a Starbucks incident. In Brief: Men’s room
We got one of these at my work. Don’t get me wrong, I’m into it. Anything that feeds coffee into my body is a plus.
Sometimes You Have To
A lot of people ask me about the tips for peeing in the car. Because I do it a lot, and usually I only get
I Watch Birds Now
Day 1: It’s a great day for watching birds. I assume. Is there such thing as a bad day for watching birds? Well. Maybe a
Helpful Snowman Radio Ep 146
Wendy woes, Food Fuck Ups, and Wedding…uh, woes again. Hey, subscribe to us on iTunes.
If I Got Stuck to the Other Person Post-Sex Like Dogs Do
-Whew!- That was something, huh? Eight seconds of passion plus about two minutes where nobody watching would be able to tell if anything was still
Fifty Shades of Grey Area + Miley
For those of you who follow my career closely (exactly no one) you already know that I have somewhat of an interest in the topic
Helpful Snowman Radio Ep 143
My butt. Dilbert is suicidal. And probably other topics.
Goodbye, Sweet Hulk Fists
After spending several years with these close, close friends, it was time to let them go. Pass them on. I pulled them down from the
Does This Need to Be Dated?
Some intrepid soul decided to write the date on this urinal pad. Is that what these things are called? Urinal pads? Urinal…nets? For those who
Helpful Snowman Radio Ep 142
Lots of guests, lots of Big Waves. Plus, I sort of almost accidentally saw a vagina.
Comics of the Summer!
What really makes Steve Rogers Captain America? Some might say that it’s not the crazy steroid stuff coursing through his veins, but his spirit. I
What’s Pete Been Reading, Summer Waterslide Edition!
Great book. Like most great sci-fi, it relates directly to something in real life. In this case, the feeling of going to fight a war
Poker Tells Nobody Mentions
See that guy? Every time he’s bluffing, he puts his hand on his penis and strokes it to completion in his pants. Him over there?
How Long Will You Be Wearing Your Braces?
“How long do you have to wear them?” Most common question when it comes to Adult Braces. Adult Braces is a term for what’s been
IMDB Parental Advisory Warnings for the Documentary About My Life
-At one point the protagonist defecates for what seems like 40 minutes of screen time, after which he tells everyone about it and describes in
Topics Discussed With Me At the Gym Against My Will
-The 1980’s Boston Celtics. -Various techniques for winning racquetball (should be noted that there is NO racquetball at this particular gym). -How raking with a
Helpful Snowman Radio Ep 140
Drunkful snowman radio is more like it! LOLOLOLOLOLOL!
The Ballad of the Bride Underwear
Wearing Number 1: Post-wedding. Like they were intended. Wearing Number 2: Accidentally packed in during honeymoon. Couple gets a nice laugh out of it. Wearing
Target Items
So I spent a bit of time walking around Target. AND I saw SOME SHIT! Am I the only one who sees this weird brick
The Great Minds at the Chiclets Company
How should we package our gum? How about two pieces in a tiny box that ABSOLUTELY CANNOT be reclosed? How about, like, 5 saran wrapped
Sir, Do You Have a Minute to Save a Child’s Life?
Sir, do you have a minute to help save a child’s life? Hmm. Yeah. But I’m going to have to pass anyway. Tell Jamal I’m
Daddy Blog?
We all know how I feel about mommy blogs. Right? Just in case: Not fun, not funny. Just dumb. And then the other day I
Helpful Snowman Radio Ep 139
Drunken masturbation talk and why the bank is the worst place.
Pete Answers Your Braces FAQ
Hi, I’m Pete. When people see that I have adult braces, they ask me questions like “Nice braces, faggot!” or “Nice face fag-o!” Sometimes though
Idiots Are So Dumb
Have you ever wondered how people end up on this web site? The terms they search that result in popping up? Wonder no more.
How the Book Would Go If Pete Had Attempted the Quest
The world of Scrabble. What a fascinating ride it would be. It turns out, the only thing worse than Scrabble is people who are really
Helpful Snowman Radio Ep 138
Toilet mirrors, making waves, and lady parts.
Dart Boards
Hey man. Come on in. I’ll grab my keys and we’ll get going. Cool, cool. So this is a nice…hey, what the fuck is that?
Would You Like to Take a Tour of Our New Features?
I sure hope so. Because fuck off, you don’t really have a choice. Go ahead, click something. See? See that? See how I made everything
Helpfulsnowman Radio Ep 137
We get a lot done. I cannot believe I am sober enough to make this post happen. We talk Shaq. We talk Shaq Fu. We
What I Imagine is Going on in M4WW Craigslist Missed Connections
You: Couple a babes Me: Guy parting long blond bleached hair horribly burned by the sun to leer at you both properly. I wanted to
Designing the Packaging for Protein Powder
Alright everybody, settle down. We’ve got these great powders with weird drugs in them. They are approved in NO WAY. In fact, we’re just sending
The Worst President
Wait, wait, wait. Who is this guy? This guy, right here Which president, exactly, is that supposed to be? Because my memory of history sucks.
Skateboard Fails
The Usual: Guy rides skateboard towards railing, messes up, smashes entire penis and balls on railing. The New: Guy rides skateboard towards railing, nails the
Helpful Snowman Radio Ep 135
Hey Friends, I don’t like to talk bad about my own show. Generally if a show is terrible, I don’t put it out. I kind
War Room
Gentlemen, welcome to the war room. Let’s take a look at the model. Uh…we don’t have any models. What? Guys, what the fuck? Well, it’s
Pete Attempts to Pick Up Girls at the Contemporary Art Museum
Hi, hey there. I, uh, I couldn’t help but notice you’re carrying a notebook there. That’s really great. Notebooks are a great thing to be
What Happens When You Answer “No” When Asked if You’ve Been to Restaurant X Before
Hi, welcome to the Cheesecake Factory. Have you ever been here before? Uh, no. Great! Okay, first things first, we are not any kind of
Helpful Snowman Radio Ep 132
Some more flight, hillbillies love the national anthem, a real saucy waitress named Ashley.
My Pajama Jean Dreams
My dream of pulling off pajama jeans is officially dead. In. The. Grave. This is not because I failed to stick to the Bodacious Booty
Helpful Snowman Radio Ep 131
An apology, and if you wait a couple minutes, things get damn sexy. Then we trash some other podcasts.
Stern Warning
Thanks to Kristina for this. So here’s a little bottle of drops to treat fish water. You know, for your aquarium. Oh, and just in
Power Lunch
How often does everyone else hit this aisle of the store and think, “Fuck it. I can make a lunch out of this”? Because for
Comics: Why Do We Still Talk to Dr. Doom?
Just finished this volume. The interesting thing is that Hulk and Bruce Banner are separated. And it sort of turns out that maybe Bruce Banner
NES Game Covers
Recently I came across a used game store with some excellent Nintendo cartridges. These brought back great memories. AND I noticed a few things I
Welcome to the Art Museum!
Hi, I’m Pete, and today I’m going to be your guide to this wonderful palace of artistic treasures! C’mon, art awaits! Follow me! We’re going
Smoking N Me!
The other day I saw this lady smoking outside the Michael’s craft store and it got me to thinking, again, that smoking might be the
Helpful Snowman Radio Ep 129 pt2
Some real shit story action. A lot of it. Episode129pt2
Hey Denver Sheraton, HERE’S Your Goddamn Survey!
Dear Denver Sheraton, I’ve gotten an email every 3 or 4 days since staying at your goddamn hotel for one goddamn night asking me to
The Conversation From Hard Target That Was Cut Out
“We’re going to be hunting the deadliest prey. MAN!” “Oh. Okay. I see what you’re getting at. But…I have kind of a question.” “Go on.”
I’m Sorry, But Fuck Archery
I’ve been toying with the idea of being an assassin for a long time. Even before I could laugh because that word has ASS in
Questions for Road Workers
Q: Do they make special “Leanin’ Shovels”? I only ask because I see a lot of really professional leanin’ happening on shovels. I know that
Helpful Snowman Radio Ep. 128
In this episode we get REEEEEAAAALLLLL racist. And we talk about sex. Poop chat just under the wire. This one has it all. Episode128
It’s Summer, the Pool is OPEN
Welcome back to the pool! We are so excited for you to be here and eat chicken fingers all over the fucking place. Ah, summer!
Fuck You Too, Target
So here I am, trying to buy a hat with a brim to go rafting. Because that’s who I’ve become, a man who not only
Helpful Snowman Radio Ep. 127
Comicon wrap-up. There were some wheelchairs, boy. Episode127