
Hi. I’m Pete. And, haha, yes, I do my own stunts.

Wait, no. I DO NOT do my own stunts.

Sure, we all know Tom Cruise and Marky Mark love that stuff. And yes, those guys are successful and fun to watch. Overall, on-screen delights time and again.

But me? I have a man do my stunts. He’s called a stunt man. Stunt. Man. And his whole job is to do stunts.

My job is to do acting. Imagine if in your job, I don’t know, you probably do things like take garbage to a dumpster at your job, so imagine if your boss said “On the way to the dumpster I’m going to full speed drove my car right at you and you’ll have to dive out of the way.” And you’d say, “how is this relevant to my shitty job working around dumpsters.” Except you wouldn’t. Use words like Relevant which is why you work around dumpsters and not movies, like me.

Then your boss would say, “Nothing. It has nothing to do with dumpsters. It would just look cool.”

So that’s why I do NOT do my own stunts. 20140714-095925-35965392.jpg