I decided to try a first-ever Kickstarter project to see whether or not this kind of thing will fly.
The project is pretty simple. How much would someone have to pay me to read what I suspect is the worst/best book ever? $100.
Now, it’s not just a reading. There’s a full, multi-stage review planned. This’ll be pretty great.
I’m gonna let everyone in on a little secret. My hope, my real, actual hope, is to figure out a way to reduce my hours at work by about 8 hours/week. I know, it’s not a ton. And I know, 8 hours won’t make all the difference in the world. But it’ll help. It’ll help, and in my head I have this crazy goal of writing for a living. And the way I’ve decided to move towards that goal is one bit at a time, one project at a time.
It’s not going to be easy, but that sure as hell doesn’t mean I won’t try.
I’ve tried the Amazon thing, but let’s be serious, ain’t nobody cutting down on work hours by selling Kindle titles for a buck. Not to mention giving them away free just about as often as the Kindle deal will allow.
I’ve had a couple people tell me I should fundraise one way or another. Sell shirts (too much overhead), ask for donations (probably would only get cash from friends and people I know, which is weird), or start selling something.
I’m going to be honest with you. Fundraising isn’t my forte. It’s not my preference. I like making the stuff. I like writing the dumb blogs and doing the silly radio shows and writing little books about ninja kids. I like writing sincere stuff and doing other projects. I like that stuff.
What I don’t like AS much is doing the promotion. Making something happen, spending the work online, using social media, doing all that business. I don’t have anything against it. It’s just not what I’m good at. Not really what I’m looking to do.
So, consider this a foray into crowdfunding. Into seeing what works and what doesn’t. If you’re interested in hearing what I have to say about Modelland (which I think you will be, trust me here) then I would encourage you to make a small donation. If you like the other things I’ve done online and aren’t as interested in this…eh, I’d say throw me a couple bucks. Because the more I can do this kind of thing, the more I can support myself this way, the more time I’ll have for projects, and the more likely it is I’ll get to another project that you like better.
If you don’t like the stuff I do, then I don’t know why the hell you’re reading this. Possibly because you’re an internet robot who is looking to make a spammy comment on this blog? Well, joke’s on you, robo-fucker. I disabled those comments a long time ago. But I thank you for the effort, even though it is not taxing on your brain in any way because you are a robot of vastly superior intellect and power.
So, without further ado, here’s my Kickstarter: