If I Treated Guests the Way Hotels Treat Guests

Come in, come in!  Welcome.  Juuuuuust gonna need to see some ID.

Okay, great!  Here’s a key to my apartment.  I’m just going to slip that inside a little envelope with an ad for a burger place on it.  I recommend that place big time.  Like, money big time, if you get me.  Wink.

Would you like a drink?   Just water?  Okay, well I have two options for you.  I have a bunch of water bottles here.  Those are gonna be a couple bucks.  Or I can fill up this tiny plastic cup in the bathroom sink.  I’m happy to do either.

Um, I’ll go ahead and fill it for you.  The bathroom…well, it’s a little musty.  The thing is, the only method I’ve found that allows me to be green is not washing my towels.  I hope it’s not too bad, but I’ve been known to make you feel guilty about wanting clean towels too.  But if you REALLY want a clean towel, just signal me by throwing the towels all over the goddamn floor.

I hope you enjoy your stay here.  Oh, and I’ll need that key back before you leave.