First thing, god forbid this go directly to the screen that lets you pick some stuff. I want a POV visual of going through a locked door that leads down some stairs and then BAM a bookcase opens and all of a sudden you’re in a high tech lab. Then some shit scans your eye and lets you in another door, and then you go down some hallways and then you see this big machine and then the menu slowly, SLOWLY fades in so you can operate the goddamn DVD.
Okay, then we need a piece of music to play in the background. I would say this should be about 4 seconds long. That way, if the average person is waiting three minutes to start because they’re making popcorn or whatever, they’ll hear the same thing about a thousand times.
Ohh, better yet. Let’s use little sound bites from the movie. Three of them. Playing over and over. Now, we could program in some kind of code so that this only loops a certain number of times, maybe ONCE, but I say let’s let the fucker ride, and if people want to watch the same three lines from the movie over and over again, who are we to say no?