I have a criticism on your packaging that I think needs to be pointed out.
It’s not the picture of the pizza. That’s working fine. Every time I see it, I think “This time the cheese really is going to melt instead of being made of a bunch of plastic straws.”
It’s not the plastic, that unbreakable shell that can only be cut with a straight razor sharp enough to kill a man and drain him of his blood while applying no real pressure.
It’s certainly not the directions, which are affixed to the plastic instead of the cardboard wheel, which means I throw them out about 10 times out of 4. Do the math.
No, the problem, and I’m assuming that this is just an oversight, is that somewhere along the line the text that says “Serves: 1” got bumped out of frame. Maybe it was kicked out in favor of those discus-like pepperonis, or maybe it was lost when you put in that cactus logo. But it’s not there, and I’m pretty sure it’s supposed to be. You might even say my self-esteem depends on it.
I’m not asking you to recall all the pizzas already on the shelf. A simple sticker or a stamp added to each will make it right in my mind, and the “Serves: 1” can be added to all future production lines.
Thanks again!