“The Holy Ghost: A Spirited Comic”

“This is one of those “totally my fault” things: didn’t realize this was a spiritually-based comic before I read it, so while it’s not thoroughly for me, if this is the sort of thing you’re looking for, I think you’ll be pleased.

This is a hard emotion to describe, so the best I can do is say that I’m an atheist, however, I grew up in a smallish town in Colorado, which was a ripe area for Christian ska of the late 90’s and early 2000’s. I’m sure there are demographic reasons for this, but that’s boring, so let’s just say that what I learned from enjoying Christian ska music, without actually being Christian, is that religion can be a nice thing for people.

Yes, I know, okay? I know what The Crusades were. I know lots of horrible shit has been done in the name of religion. I know priests and little boys and all that. I know, I hear you.

Look, we can make those arguments all day, but I don’t think we can blame religion any more than we could blame sports. Sports have caused lots of horrible shit. The entertainment industry? That’s where Cosby and Weinstein came from.

It sounds silly to categorize an entire industry based on those behaviors. It’s unreasonable.

I feel similarly about religion.

Basically, it’s my belief that you get a big enough group together, somebody is bound to be an asshole, like an OUTRAGEOUS asshole, and it doesn’t really matter if that group is faith-based or a book club or whatever, someone involved is an asshole.

I don’t know. Maybe all atheists should end up liking some Christian ska bands, going to a show, having a good time, and we could all chill out a bit. But that would require a time machine, and it’d probably require me to listen to a bunch of music that, though I loved it at one time, might not hit the same today. It’d definitely fuck up my Spotify recommendations royally.”