“This is a guidebook for the preparation and execution of an across-America walk.
Which is REALLY FUCKING FAR, by the way.
I was just reading this reddit thread where people were discussing how people from Europe often have no concept of how big America is, saying things like, “We’re driving from New York to LA tomorrow. Is there a good place to stop for lunch?”
I like walking, and I like long walks. But I won’t be taking on the cross-America walk because:
1. You spend a lot of time walking along the highway. Which, fuck that.
2. As a person who has a hard time letting things go, the occasional bad run-in with an asshole (someone throwing shit from their car) would wreck it for me.
3. I don’t like camping that much.
4. One of the hikers said that an important factor is liking yourself. If you don’t like yourself, it’ll be a disaster. Let’s just leave that there.”