Flossing, if not total bullshit, is at least partial bullshit.

Flossing, if not total bullshit, is at least partial bullshit.

Think about it.  What other part of your body do you run a string across and then saw back and forth?  You don’t do that with the skin in between your fingers to toughen it up, nor do you do it underneath your fingernails.  So what the fuck?

Also, if stuff was not meant to get stuck in between our teeth, wouldn’t we just have one big tooth with no spaces in between?  That seems like a terrible system.

And science?  Guys, what the fuck?  How can you not have made it so you can scramble my genes and I can just grow a new set of teeth?  Like a shark. 

Oh, and how come I have to brush three times, Listerine twice, and floss once?  That’s six tooth care appointments per day.  Can we compromise a little?  How about two brushes, one Listerine for about four seconds, and then try to get down to one pack of Bubbilicious a day?

I guess this is my way of saying that I got one of those dentist reminder postcards.  No matter how adorable the giant cartoon tooth, I still don’t fucking want to go.