“This Halloween season I read this and also watched the Wishbone episode of Frankenstein.
You know what’s hilarious about Wishbone? Everyone in the Wishbone Dreamverse treats Wishbone like he’s a totally normal guy and not an adorable pupper with like little glasses and a waistcoat. He’ll be saying shit about the measure of a man and the secret of life, and nobody stops and is just like, “Aw, you’re just so goddamn cute!”
I wouldn’t have lasted ten seconds as an actor on Wishbone. I would just keep petting him or crying because he was so cute and RIGHT THERE.
They got this dude on there who’s supposed to be a sea captain, and he rescues Wishbone/Dr. Frankenstein from the frozen waters of…I don’t know, the North Pole? South Pole? One of ’em.
He rescues Wishbone, and then he’s tucking him into a little bed, and I’m like, “Give this man the Oscar, because he’s doing the cutest thing of all time, and he’s not saying A THING about it. THAT is acting!””