According to analytics, the following are search terms that were entered into google and directed people to this web site. For your convenience, search terms that resulted in what I expect was greatest disappointment are in bold.
“Justin Guarini”
“blockbuster’s secret plan”
“pie fight” -york -manhattan -stooges -bugsy -soupy -baseball -yankee
“berzerker predator black super”
“charles atlas penis”
“cops out of control”
“cottage porn”
“cottage porno”
“foley artist sex”
“great debates in history”
“helpful mottos”
“how to pronounce ironically?”
“jamie foxx asshole”
“jesas pron exhibit”
“sales blitz themes”
“she bag she bag oh baby”
“tips for flat belly ads real?”
“tit fuck cross chain”
“trophy looks like hand”
“what are debate historys that have been happening through history?”
“winged ants look like they are dying”