“I wish I could do art and story separately.
The art is really good. I like how the characters look like real people, all a little different, but also aren’t cartoonish. It’s a fine line, but it works, and the art presents some stuff that I think would be pretty challenging to do right, and it looks right to me. The art is on-point.
The story…
Well, it’s kinda convoluted.
I think the general idea works, sort of. Scientists decide to make intergalactic pornography, which will gain them a lot of cash because people are tired of every other kind of pornography?
Now, in a time when Fart Jar Girl was hospitalized and it was a news story, there’s something very believable about this.
But…I think the story sort of skips some important parts. Like, someone invented what’s basically a teleporter, someone else invented a universal translator/automatic drone cameraperson, and those aren’t like…sale-able technologies?
There’s also some element where aliens came to Earth, discovered humans bad, and want nothing to do with us. Which is okay, but feels a little done, as an idea, that humans are actually the trailer park denizens of the cosmos.
But then there’s the story of this particular volume, which I guess is that they go to a planet that’s really dry, and they used to know how to access water from underground or something, but then they stopped having free love, so they couldn’t access the water anymore, but then the humans do sex stuff and they remember and water is back? Maybe? I dunno. It all sort of seemed like a really complicated way to make it so that people banging is somehow the key to life on this planet.
I think the weirdest part is How do you convince an entire planet to forget about banging? That just doesn’t seem too likely.
But whatever.
I guess overall, the premise of people using a space portal to bang new species, boldly go (nut) where no man has gone (and nutted) before, is okay, but when the characters use sex to solve their problem, which is that they’re really smart but broke, and then they use sex to solve their next problem, which is a planet with no water, it’s a little one-note.”