“Baking with Kafka”

“Diary of a Goodreads Challenge: Day 3, Book 5, 21 Books Behind Schedule

It takes a man to admit when he’s way behind on his reading challenge only three days in. And I’m not a man. I’m a reading machine.

I’m behind, okay, but not WAY behind. Not WOEFULLY behind.

Maybe the problem is motivation. It’s not like being behind on rent where someone will kick you out of your house. When you’re behind on a goodreads challenge, you’re just losing a game, really. No further consequences.

Which is why I’m starting Pete’s Goodreads Challenge Compliance Enforcement, LLC. If you’re behind more than a couple books on your challenge at the end of the month, you’ll get a bill from me in the mail. But don’t think about it as a bill from me. Think of it as a bill from yourself, an overdue charge from the bounced check your mouth wrote and your reading can’t cash.

Then, to motivate myself, I’ll only touch the money if I catch up on my goal or if I really want to buy something. Or just mostly feel like buying something.

I think this is the perfect plan. Wish I’d come up with it three days ago. But sometimes a plan needs a minute to steep. Plans are like tea that way.

My plans are also like tea because a lot of them are disgusting. But not everything is a metaphor for plans. Some stuff is just what it is. Like Freud said, sometimes a crappy cup of tea is just a cup of tea someone dunked a cigar in. “