“DCeased: Dead Planet”

“Alright, I’m gonna sound like a real asshole:

I don’t think what the rich supervillains were doing was bad?

Okay, they set up a safe haven, and to live there, you have to work. So…a little bit slave-y, but also, is it that different from today? I mean, I work to have a safeish home and reasonably easy life. Is working for no pay, during a literal apocalypse, an unexpected outcome?

How were the people superheroes rescued doing stuff? Did they have 401ks?

Also, creating an Amazos army to wipe out all the deadites seems completely reasonable. They took the time to program the Amazos to leave the living unharmed, they could’ve just been like fuck it, kill everyone who’s not in the safe zone, right?

Uh oh. I guess this means, in an apocalypse, I would become a villain. Well…maybe I could take a heroic turn at some point. That’d be good. I feel like that works so long as you don’t get rape-y, which seems like a staple of these post-apocalypse cities in fiction. I’m not sure how that happens, but it’s like, “Oh, this is The Senator. He’s cool, although he DOES do this thing where he rapes a lot. Oh, that wascally Senator!”

I feel like 2020 showed us that on the brink of a type of potential apocalypse, we’re a lot more concerned with how we’re going to clean up after we shit than we are with being sex pests.

I suppose a plague apocalypse does make things a little more convenient on that front. I mean, the exposure to contagion involved in committing assaults…so maybe if it was a meteor or something…surely someone in college has written a paper about the potential assault index based on different types of apocalypses.”