“Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves”

“Good job of shooting for a plot that feels a little like a genuine D&D session where things kind of happen as you go and the whole “get a thing in order to do a thing” worked a lot better in this movie than some others. The places it fell a little short for me where the places I’m guessing were a little more studio note-y and felt more like standard plot points. We have:

-Man who needs to get his groove back and is held back by his own lack of confidence.

-Redemption tale of a father and his daughter (anything is excusable if you’re doing it for family, as I’ve learned from the Fast franchise).

-Hard-exterior-ed warrior who has a heart of gold.

-The classic “This is the moment where the group fractures for no real reason.”

But, hey, not everything’s perfect.

Chris Pine is the current king of franchise revival, and I’m 100% okay with that continuing.