Guard Animals

After reading this totally awesome article about guard bears, I decided it’s time to re-examine my options in terms of guard animals.

Guard Rhinos

Advantage:  They are like mountains come to life with horns.  I’m not sure that they can be killed.

Disadvantage:  If you hire something to guard your stuff, but that something is a completely unstoppable killing machine, how long is it before your stuff becomes his stuff?

Guard Elephants

Advantage:  Could probably shoot debilitating but non-lethal sprays from its trunk.

Disadvantage: Elephants may turn on me when they discover that they are protecting, amongst other things, my ivory stockpile.

Guard Possessed Cars

Advantage: Could easily run people down, then pretend to be regular cars, thereby avoiding arrest.

Disadvantage:  Thanks to the movie Christine, every two-bit criminal would know that they could stop my guards by simply crushing them into tiny cubes.  The End?

Guard Robot Dogs

Advantage:  More laser mounts than biological dogs.

Disadvantage: Biological dogs are like $40 bucks.  So when one gets shot or poisoned with a steak that has pills in it, you’re just like, “Oh, well.”

Guard Cats

Advantage:  Harnessing of already-present natural disdain for life.

Disadvantage:  Smell of cat urine, while very unpleasant, probably less a deterrent to thieves than to residents.